How to Cultivate Spirulina

Spirulina is blue green algae that can grow in regions having a temperature ranging from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. Spirulina provides a nutritious protein supplement and can be used to manufacture many medicines and cosmetics. It can be cultivated by several different methods, but this article will describe the mud pot method that can be done in the home. Cultivation by this method involves little space or investment but still allows for a profitable industry.

Things You'll Need

  • Sea salt or chemical medium (composed of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, cooking soda, and sodium chloride) Bio-gas slurry medium Water Spirulina culture Three 35- to 40-liter capacity/25 square meter mud pots Cloth filtration
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  1. The Steps

    • 1

      Mix 2-3 grams of either sea salt or the chemical medium to the bio-gas slurry medium and add a small amount of spirulina culture to the medium. Pour this mixture into the three mud pots and add water.

    • 2

      Place the three pots in an area for sunlight exposure, stirring each culture 3 to 4 times a day.

    • 3

      Harvest the mature spirulina after 3 to 4 days by pouring the culture through a cloth filtration.

    • 4

      Wash the spirulina with fresh water to remove chemicals and mix it with chapatti.

    • 5

      Preserve any spirulina that is not used immediately by drying it in the shade.

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