Home Remedies for Tendinitis
Herbal Remedies
Eucalyptus leaves and coconut oil both contain properties that are used to reduce swelling and joint pain. For wrists and shoulder pain, applying a topical remedy directly to the skin will provide temporary pain relief.
Crush four eucalyptus leaves, which can be found at herbal shops, until they are finely ground. Mix two tablespoons of warmed coconut oil with the ground leaves and gently massage onto the affected area. Repeat this remedy two times per day until the pain and swelling have stopped. If the pain continues for over two weeks, visit a doctor to prevent serious damage to the tendon.
Ice and Compression Treatment
Applying ice to the painful area promotes further blood flow. Increasing blood flow will reduce the amount of swelling and boost the tendon's ability to repair itself.
Fill an ice pack, which can be made by filling halfway a gallon-size Ziploc bag with ice, and apply directly to the area. If the cold from the ice pack is too intense, place a rag or towel between the ice and skin. Hold the ice pack in place with an Ace bandage, ensuring the wrap is snug enough to prevent the pack from moving. Allow the ice to rest for at least twenty minutes to reduce swelling and pain. It may be necessary to wrap the joint in ice up to three times per day to reduce the swelling.
Natural Anti-Inflammatory Remedies
Certain foods contain natural anti-inflammatory properties that work with the body to reduce swelling in joints. These ingredients can be consumed in supplement form or by eating the whole ingredient.
Consume a handful of nuts, such as peanuts, cashews and walnuts, on a daily basis. The properties within these foods naturally work to reduce swelling in joints and tendons. A handful equals 1 ounce of nuts.
Omega-3 act as a natural anti-inflammatory, which will reduce the amount of swelling and pain associated with chronic tendinitis. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acids, but is not manufactured by the body.
To easily introduce omega-3 into the body, prepare one cup of bow-tie pasta and cook as normal. Instead of adding a specific type of sauce, drizzle one tablespoon of olive oil over the pasta and top off with ground pepper.