Herbal Treatments for Lack of Energy
Change Your Diet
Herbs are essentially food, so changing the foods you eat can be considered an herbal remedy in itself. Strive to eat natural, whole foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and raw nuts and seeds. Processed foods, fried foods, sugar, chocolate, soda and caffeine can all deplete your body of magnesium, which leads to fatigue. A poor diet also stresses the adrenal glands, which will cause you to feel worn out.
Raw foods and green drinks such as spirulina will supply your body with an easily absorbable energy source. Consider trying mushroom extracts from maitake, reishi or shiitake. These extracts boost your energy as well as your immune system and may be helpful if your lack of energy is due to a viral infection. Fresh vegetable juices are a great source of energy as well. By adding these helpful foods and avoiding foods that stress your body, you will see a dramatic increase in your energy levels.
Some Herbal Treatments for Lack of Energy
If, after you have adjusted your diet, you still feel the need for herbal treatments for lack of energy, there are plenty of options to try. One of the most frequently recommended herbs for lack of energy is ginseng (several species in the Panax genus). Ginseng has been prized in China for centuries as an energizing tonic. However, you should not take ginseng if you suffer from hypoglycemia, high blood pressure or a heart disorder.
Licorice is another helpful herbal treatment for lack of energy. It not only boosts energy levels, but it boosts your immune system as well. It has been used in the treatment of adrenal problems and for Addison's Disease successfully. If you have high blood pressure or are taking any medications for your heart, do not take licorice.
Green Tea, as a tea or a capsule, is great for boosting your energy. As a hot or iced tea to give you a mid-day boost, it provides low levels of caffeine. But caffeine is not its only energy source. Green Tea also has other properties in it that increase energy and rev up your metabolism. A nice perk if you're trying to lose weight.
Bee Pollen is a wonderful energy booster as well. A nutritional powerhouse, Bee Pollen provides all 22 amino acids, B vitamins, folic acid, 22 minerals and much more. Start with small amounts however, just in case you are allergic. Tiny doses of Bee Pollen built up over time, from local sources, can also help combat seasonal allergies.
Other Helpful Herbs
You can find other helpful herbs in blends or you can take them individually. You should always follow the instructions on the package regarding doses. Add new herbs one at a time, carefully noting any unusual reactions. If you experience problems, discontinue use and consult your herbalist or doctor.
Common herbal treatments for lack of energy include:
*Guarana (due to its caffeine content)
*NettlesSpace the addition of new herbs (or supplements) about a week apart. This way you'll know if an unusual reaction is from a specific herb and if that happens you can stop taking it right away. In most cases, you will find that herbs are a wonderful, safe way to treat many health problems, including a lack of energy.