Herbs for Cancer Treatment
A popular herb in China, extracts of oldenlandia have been part of treating viral infections, snake bites and most recently, cancers of the colon, stomach and esophagus. Taken as a pill, tea or as a liquid extract, Oldenlandia is said to inhibit tumor growth.
Deemed the best lymphatic tonic by alternative medicine practitioners, a tonic of cleavers has been used for shrinking tumors and lymphatic drainage, especially with patients whose cancers have reached the lymph nodes. In raw form, it can also be added to soups.
Red Clover
Long used to combat menopause, red clover has an isoflavone called genistein that has shown promise both preventing new and treating existing malignant tumors, especially in estrogen-dependent breast cancer as well as prostate cancer. Genistein works by blocking blood vessels on tumors, which stops them from growing. Red clover is found in medicinal teas, tablets, capsules and as a liquid extract.