How to Use Psyllium Seed
The seed of the psyllium plant, known also as plantago psyllium or plantago isphagula, has a husk covered in mucilage. Mucilage swells and bulks when exposed to water; this is what allows psyllium to work as a bulk laxative, stimulating your intestines to move their bulk through your system. Psyllium is also an effective treatment for diarrhea because it absorbs the excess water and provides a soft, bulky stool.Instructions
Place 2 or 3 tsp. of psyllium seed husk, or the powdered seed husk, in an 8-oz. glass of water.
Stir the water and psyllium seed vigorously to blend--you can also use a blender on low speed to do this.
Sweeten the psyllium drink to taste with honey, stevia or molasses if necessary.
Drink the water and psyllium immediately. If you delay, the psyllium will turn gelatinous and then set, becoming very unpalatable.
Follow the psyllium with another 8-oz. glass of water. Make sure to continue drinking large amounts of water throughout the day to help move the psyllium through your system.