About Aloe Vera & Joint Pain
Arthritis generally affects the joint fluid and/or cartilage, resulting in a breakdown of the joint. This breakdown often results in pain, stiffness, discomfort and even immobility of the joint. Aloe vera can be digested as a juice or applied to the skin above the joint in creams, gels and lotions.
Significance of Joint Pain
Approximately 70 million Americans have been diagnosed with arthritis, a condition characterized by joint swelling, inflammation and pain. Of these 70 million patients, more than 7 million suffer from crippling and debilitating joint pain.
History of Aloe
The aloe vera plant is related to garlic, asparagus and onion. The name is thought to have come from the Ararbic language and the term "alloeh," which means "shining bitter substance." Aloe vera has been used for nearly a thousand years to treat skin conditions, including sunburn and dry skin.
Benefits of Aloe
Many herbal specialists consider aloe vera to be a super plant because of it strong anti-inflammatory characteristics and because it contains many essential vitamins and nutrients. Scientists have determined that aloe vera is high in vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B3 and B6. In addition, the plant also contains manganese, calcium, zinc and iron.
Aloe Vera and Joint Pain
Aloe vera's strong anti-inflammatory characteristics assist in speeding the process of cell growth. This is essential because patients who suffer from joint pain often have damaged tissue. Aloe helps to repair and renew cell tissue and thus improve joint function. The plant is considered most effective when ingested in liquid form.