Black Cohosh Benefits
Native Americans used black cohosh to treat ailments from snake bites to gynecological problems. Nineteenth-century physicians recommended black cohosh to women to ease menstrual cramps and also thought it had value in treating arthritis, fever and insomnia. Today, herbalists and traditional physicians recommend black cohosh to ease menopausal and menstrual disturbances, as well as cardiovascular illnesses.
The book Prescription for Nutritional Healing details black cohosh's phytochemical and nutrient properties. Phytochemicals include the antioxidant beta-carotene, phytosterols, salicylic acid and tannin, while calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and B vitamins are among nutrients in black cohosh. According to Holistic Online, another ingredient, formononetin, "binds to estrogen receptor sites, inducing an estrogen-like activity in the body."
Black cohosh's benefits include lowering blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels and promoting a healthy cardiovascular system, as well as relieving symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, and offering relief for menstrual cramps and attendant back pain. Since black cohosh can induce labor, pregnant women must consult their gynecologist before consuming it.
Side Effects
Black cohosh can have severe side effects for individuals with certain conditions or who are taking other medications. Because of its estrogen-like effect, pregnant women or those who are lactating should not use the herb. According to Holistic Online, large doses of black cohosh can cause "abdominal pain, nausea, headaches and dizziness." Women on estrogen therapy should talk with their doctor before using black cohosh. Additionally, large doses of the herb may cause "symptoms of poisoning, particularly nausea and dizziness, and can also provoke miscarriage." Never take black cohosh if you have full-blown measles or if you have respiratory problems.
Instructions for Use
Black cohosh is consumed in different forms, including capsules. Dosage depends upon strength. Take 300 to 2,000 milligrams per day in crude, dried root or rhizome forms and 250 milligrams up to three times per day of powdered form. In tincture form, take two to four milliliters per day. Holistic Online advises that black cohosh can be taken for up to six months before discontinuing.