Cohosh for Menopause
Use of Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh is commonly used to treat the symptoms of menopause, primarily night sweats and hot flashes. While its effectiveness varies, it is relatively safe, with the most common side effect being mild stomach pain. It is used to be used to induce labor, so it should be avoided by women who are pregnant, or who may be pregnant. It has also been linked to cancer in lab animals, so it should not be used by women who have or have had cancer.
Dosage Information
Black Cohosh is normally taken as a tea, however it is also available as an extract or in tablet form. It can be taken daily, but long-term use (six months or more) is not encouraged because of the potential increased risk of developing certain cancers. There are some doctors that recommend that women taking Black Cohosh for their menopause symptoms should also take the hormone progesterone. Consult with your doctor to determine the best dosage for you.
Other Tips
Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking Black Cohosh or any other herb to help with your menopause symptoms. It is important to be sure that the Black Cohosh will not interfere with other medications that you are taking, or impact other conditions that you have. It is also important to ensure that you obtain any Black Cohosh or other herbs from a reputable source to be sure that you are getting safe and effective herbs.