Herbs That Remove Gallstones
Milk thistle is a gallstone herbal remedy that will ease gallstone symptoms. Crush the leaves of the milk thistle, and steep in boiling water. Remove and strain, drink as a hot tea.
Mix dandelion into milk thistle tea for another herbal remedy for gallstones. If the flavor is too strong, steam the herbs or eat them raw. Both of these herbs reduce the pain of gallstones and help to control gallstone growth.
Oregon Grape
Oregon Grape is an herb to use with milk thistle and dandelion in a tea. Oregon grape improves blood circulation, increasing the quantity of bile in the gallbladder.
Calming Properties
Combine these herbs together to form the basis of a calming and restorative therapy for your gallstones. Relax as you drink the tea, while it eases your pain from the gallstones.
Rosemary and Chamomile
Rosemary is an herb that is helpful in the treatment of gallstones. It helps to control spasms. Chamomile tea is useful in controlling the actual forming of gallstones.
The herbal preparations listed help ease symptoms present with gallstones. They will not remove them. If you are not getting enough relief, contact your physician, who will determine the best course of treatment for you.