Healthy Diet for Liver Cancer
Vitamins for Liver Cancer
Due to the body's inability to digest and absorb nutrients, vitamin supplementation is recommended by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Vitamins such as selenium, vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin E are essential to keep the immune system strong and reduce toxicity levels within the body.
Diets rich with carrots will provide the body with beta carotene, which according to the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences releases falcarinol into the body. Research has shown that when cancer cells are exposed to falcarinol their growth is slower. Eating two servings of raw carrots per day will safely introduce this substance into the body.
Regular intake of brightly colored fruits and vegetables, such as papaya, broccoli, figs, avocados and grapefruit will introduce essential vitamins into the body that support healthy liver functions. Vitamin supplements may be required if the liver has been damaged beyond the point of successfully extracting these vitamins.
Both black and green tea leaves contain specific antioxidants that appear to slow the dividing of cancer cells within the body. According to the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (June, 2001) the antioxidants found in green and black tea leaves release polyphenols into the system, which are commonly studied for their ability to decrease the risk of cancer.
For optimum benefits of these nutrients, grind three dried tea leaves (black or green) and consume with fruit. Drinking up to three six-ounce glasses of green or black tea per day are recommended to introduce these vitamins into the body.
Liver Cleansing
Cleansing the liver through dietary supplements provides the liver an opportunity to extract unnecessary toxins that can disrupt the healing processes. Cleansings should never be performed without the prior consent from a qualified physician.
On the day of the cleanse, eating low-fat, low-sodium foods are essential. Vegetables and lean meats, such as chicken, should be consumed throughout the day during normal eating hours.
Consume ¼ of a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice three times throughout the day. Drink at least ten eight-ounce glasses of water throughout the cleanse. If the taste of lemon juice is too strong, dilute with a teaspoon of pure honey.