Herbs Used to Treat the Pain & Symptoms of Gout
The anthocyanidins containted in bilberry reduce uric-acid levels. When shopping for a bilberry supplement, look for products that contain at least 25 percent anthocyanidins.
Willow contains pain-relieving ingredients that are similar to aspirin, and if you are sensitive or allergic to aspirin, you should avoid willow as well. Willow is often called "natural aspirin" and provides long-lasting pain relief.
Devil's Claw
Harpagoside, a component of devil's claw, may help soothe sore joints by reducing uric acid levels. You can take devil's claw in supplement form or consume it as a tea.
Cat's Claw
Cat's claw, also known as Una do Gato, is a diuretic that will help flush your system of toxins, including uric acid. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that relieve gout and arthritis pain.
Celery extract helps eliminate uric acid. It is available powdered in supplement form. Eating raw celery has benefits, too, but supplements provide a more potent, standardized dosage.
Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance that inhibits the production of prostaglandins. Turmeric is a healthy and delicious spice that can be used in curries, lentil and egg dishes.