What Are the Health Benefits of Hawthorn Extract?
Active Constituents
Hawthorn extracts have many active compounds, but the two found to be most active in protecting the heart are flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs). Flavonoids, as well as OPCs, are found to be high in antioxidant properties. Free radicals are unstable molecules that oxidize in the body, causing the breakdown of cells and leading to damage and eventual cell death. Antioxidants help to prevent this process by stabilizing the free radical molecules and keeping cells healthy. This process can act to reverse signs of damage and aging.
Hawthorn is most widely known as a cardiotonic, or heart tonic, used to prevent heart disease and stroke. It can reduce chest pain and prevent plaque from forming in the blood vessels and arteries. Hawthorn can help control high blood pressure and improve blood flow to the heart. It also has carminative effects, eliminating gas from the gastrointestinal tract, and acts as a diuretic. Hawthorn also has astringent and and antispasmodic properties.
Parts Used
Hawthorn extracts come from the leaf, flower or berries of the hawthorn tree. According to University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), the leaves and flowers of the hawthorn tree have more active compounds than the berries. Hawthorn is available as capsules or liquid extractions and can be found in standardized and non-standardized forms. The leaves and flowers can be made into a tea, which, though bitter tasting, has many of the health benefits associated with hawthorn. Tinctures made from hawthorn berries are found to be particularly beneficial for preventing the harmful LDL cholesterol.
History of Medicinal Use
In ancient Greek healing, hawthorn was used to treat heart problems and chest pain. In ancient Chinese medicine, it was used to improve the circulatory system and aid in digestion. Europeans have long used hawthorn as a tonic as well as a diuretic and astringent. In the United States, doctors have been using hawthorn for circulatory and respiratory conditions since the 18th century. Hawthorn continues to be widely studied and prescribed for its heart strengthening and protecting properties.
Considerations/Taking Hawthorn
Hawthorn extract is one of the safer herbal treatments. According to the UMMC, taking 160-900 mg of hawthorn extract a day for six weeks will reduce the symptoms of heart disease. People taking medication for hypertension should find no adverse drug interactions by taking hawthorn extract.
When taking any medication, interactions and side effects are possible, and though hawthorn is considered safe, it is advised to consult a physician before taking hawthorn for heart conditions.
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