What Is Black Elderberry Used For?
Black elderberries are rich in organic pigments, natural sugars and tannins. The high flavonoid properties of black elderberry are found in the pigments called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are flavonoids in the pigments of dark-skinned fruits that have strong antioxidant properties. Black elderberries are significantly higher in anthocyanins than are other fruits such as blueberries. Black elderberry is very high in vitamin C and contains vitamin A and B6 as well as iron and calcium. It also contains amino acids, viburnic acid, carotenoids and rutin.
Black elderberry is used primarily for its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants are known for their ability to combat the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are byproducts of natural processes such as breathing and energy expenditure, and outside sources such as air pollution and ultraviolet radiation. The antioxidant-rich flavonoids in black elderberries help to reduce the damage caused by these free radicals.
Immune Strengthener
The antioxidant flavonoids in black elderberry strengthen the immune system and help the body resist viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Viral infections are one of the major immune system threats. Black elderberry can combat a viral infection by preventing the virus from entering healthy cells. The antiviral agent acts to strip the virus of the hemagglutinin coating it uses for entering healthy cells. In addition to its antiviral properties, black elderberry can help to strengthen the immune system and combat infection while reducing symptoms of the flu.
The antioxidants in black elderberries have antiaging properties. By reducing the damage done by free radicals, antioxidants help the body combat disease, diminish signs of aging and improve health and stamina. Black elderberry can improve respiratory problems by soothing nasal congestion and reducing inflammation in the mucus membranes or sinuses. Black elderberry can improve vision, lower cholesterol and improve heart health. It is often used to treat coughs, common colds, infections and tonsillitis.
Elderberry extracts have no known drug interactions or dangerous side effects, although conclusive studies have not been published. The extract might act as a mild diuretic and laxative when taken in quantity. Black elderberries should be taken as an herbal preparation or cooked. The unripe berries as well as the stems, seeds and roots can contain minor amounts of cyanide. Elderberry is often taken as a tea or prepared as a tinctured extract.