Home Remedies for Elevated Blood Pressure
Diagnosed hypertension requires monitoring by a physician and frequently a regimen of medications to manage blood pressure such that life is preserved. Elevated blood pressure that doesn't meet the standard of hypertension may be improved by the application of home remedies.
Chief among home remedies for elevated blood pressure is garlic. Anecdotally, garlic has been used for centuries as a cure-all against a wide collection of symptoms such as: shortness of breath, fast pulse, symptoms of dizziness, throbbing at the back of the neck, frequent fatigue and more. These are frequently listed symptoms of elevated blood pressure as well. Raw garlic cloves once or twice a day are suggested as a treatment dose. This home remedy is receiving some scientific validation. According to M. Ali's et.al 2000 article in the journal Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, Ali notes that, "Our experimental results show that garlic may beneficially affect two risk factors for atherosclerosis--hyperlipidemia and hypertension."
Fish Oil
Omega-3 (fish oil), has been found to have strong cardiovascular benefits including a reduction in elevated blood pressure. Suggested dosage by the American Heart Association are, two servings per week of a deep ocean (oily) fish. Anecdotal additional suggestions include up to 2000 to 4000 mg for high triglyceride levels, according to EnergyFirst.com.
Other Remedies
Other home remedies, as noted by Home Remedies For You.com, include: one tablespoon daily of a 50/50 mixture of Indian gooseberry juice and honey; eating one citrus fruit a day such as lemon or grapefruit; eating "liberal" quantities of dry, roasted watermelon seeds; fresh parsley leaf tea (20gm of leaves per 250ml of water) drink 4oz, 2 to 3 times a day. Drink carrot juice (one 8oz glass twice daily). Drink spinach juice (one 8oz. glass twice daily). Eat a banana every day. Drink one 8oz glass of whole milk every day.
Many modern medicines have their humble beginnings in home remedies, among these the herb Rauwolfia serpentina [alkaloid (deserpidine)] which is a well-known high blood pressure medication called Reserpine. According to Drugs.com, Reserpine side effects include: heart rhythm problems (slow heartbeat), may cause depression, Parkinsonism-like symptoms, may make ulcerative colitis worse and may cause allergy related breathing problems. While the herb isn't formulated like the medication, caution should still be observed. Home remedy herbal dosage suggestions include powdering the root of the Rauwolfia plant. Use 1/2 tsp, 3 times per day.
Other home remedy treatments for elevated blood pressure include reducing weight through good nutrition and exercise. Reduce stress and get sufficient rest. Reduce salt in your diet. These are the most commonly offered tips and home remedies to assist in promoting improved blood pressure and overall health. Care should be taken before ingesting any type of remedy or medicine. Do research for possible allergic reactions, side effects and other concerns as part of good self-care. Discuss anything you may decide to take with your physician to prevent interactions.