Home Remedies for Dry Skin on Your Hands
Humidifiers work by creating moisture in the air. Not only does this help with breathing, but is also provides relief to dry hands. Portable humidifiers will work fine and are an inexpensive way to help improve dryness. Make sure that the humidifier is kept clean at all times.
Olive Oil and Lemon Oil
Mixing olive and lemon oil together will produce silky effects on the hands. To start, fill up a bowl with warm water. Take a few drops of lemon juice, mix well with a few drops of olive oil, then mix both oils into the bowl of water. Soak both hands in the mixture for at least five minutes, and then remove and let your hands dry.
Oatmeal works well by removing dead skin cells from hands and in turn leaving them smoother and softer. Simply take one cup of uncooked oatmeal and pour it into a blender. Blend the oatmeal until it turns into a fine powdery substance. Empty the oatmeal into a large bowl, and then place both hands into the bowl. Rub both hands all over the oatmeal powder, wait a few minutes, and then rinse with cool water. Make sure to use the old fashioned oatmeal and not the instant kind.
Ironically, salt helps to prevent dry skin. After showering, massage salt into your hands, and then pat dry. Salt will help slough off dead skin cells and soften dry hands.
Another home remedy that leaves hands feeling soft and refreshed is vinegar. Make sure both hands are washed and dried, and then apply the vinegar thoroughly. After applying, put on a pair of soft or latex gloves, which you leave on overnight.
Diet plays a major part in our daily lives, including the condition of skin. Foods with Vitamin E, zinc, and fatty acids will help to keep not only hands hydrated, but the entire body. Foods such as fish and vegetables are high in vitamins and fatty acids. Drinking water each day is also beneficial to skin.
Honey works wonders for a plethora of things, including dry hands. Rinse both hands but do not dry them. Then apply honey lavishly all over your hands. Let the honey stay on both hands for at least five minutes. Wash hands thoroughly, and repeat as many times as necessary.