How to Use Camomile

Camomile is a plant that resembles a daisy and has healing and relaxation properties. Camomile comes in the form of caplets or is consumed as a tea. Camomile consumption is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding. Although the FDA has not made any sort of statement on it, there has not been enough research to determine whether or not it will harm the child. Camomile has not been proven by the FDA to treat any disorder.

Things You'll Need

  • Camomile tea Camomile caplets
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      Inhale the steam from hot camomile tea to open your airways when you are suffering from asthma or bronchial problems. Place warm teabags in a sink full of hot water. Place a towel over your head and bend over so the steam is trapped between the sink and your face. Breathe in the steam slowly until your airways have opened.

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      Drink camomile tea to remedy anxiety. People who are feeling anxious can benefit from drinking three cups of camomile tea a day, or as needed for feeling anxious. Steep camomile tea in boiling water for approximately two minutes, then sip slowly. The act of sipping combined with the herbs of the tea will calm you down.

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      Freeze wet camomile teabags to use for easing sunburn. Gently slide a frozen teabag over afflicted areas as needed for pain and blistering. The herbs in the camomile will soothe the burn.

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      Place a camomile teabag directly on canker sores for pain and swelling. Place a wet teabag in the freezer for several minutes. Place the teabag directly on your canker sore for approximately ten minutes until pain is relieved.

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      Take 650 milligrams of camomile in caplet form as needed for digestion. Take daily with meals as needed to have regular bowel movements or for gastritis. It may take several weeks to see results while taking camomile supplements regularly.

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