What Is Hawthorn Berry?
Hawthorn berry is used primarily for its heart healing benefits. Hawthorn berry extract can help in the treatment of chest pain due to heart problems. High blood pressure problems respond well to a hawthorn extract. By increasing the blood vessel function, less strain is put on the heart. Harmful plaque that forms in the blood vessels and arteries can be diminished with use of hawthorn berry preparations. Hawthorn berry extract is particularly beneficial in reducing the amount of the harmful cholesterol LDL in the body.
Flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs) are the two primary heart-benefiting constituents of hawthorn berry. OPCs and flavonoids are high in protective anti oxidant properties. Anti oxidants prevent oxidation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can damage cells and can lead to cell death. The powerful anti oxidants in flavonoids and OPCs can help to protect the cell structure and promote healthy cell growth. This is not only important for the heart and capillaries, but for the whole body, inside and out.
Flavonoids protect the blood vessel system, strengthening and dilating the vessels to increase blood flow. The anti oxidant properties of flavonoids and OPCs help to prevent inflammation. In addition to being a strong heart tonic, hawthorn is used for its astringent properties. Astringent hawthorn preparations can be used externally to sooth acne, minor cuts, bug bites and skin irritations. Hawthorn preparations have anti spasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects on the system. Using hawthorn berry extracts can strengthen the heart and regulate heartbeat.
Soaking the hawthorn berries in alcohol for several weeks makes a tincture. This process draws out the beneficial properties and concentrates them in the alcohol. In addition to herbal preparations, the berries can be made into jellies, jams and syrups. The berries are often made into wine infusions or used to flavor brandy. A tea made from the berries of the hawthorn tree can be an excellent way to enjoy the heart healthy benefits.
Hawthorn berry preparations have a long history of use, primarily as a heart tonic. In the first century, Greek herbalist Dioscorides recorded using hawthorn as a heart tonic and strengthener. In the 1500s, the Swiss physician Paracelsus is reported to have used hawthorn for its cardiotonic effects. Several hundred years later, American doctors began using hawthorn to treat both heart and circulatory disorders. Hawthorn, considered safe to use, continues to be studied and used as a heart healer and strengthener.