What Is Lapacho?
The Tree
Lapacho is a type of evergreen tree that can be found in South America. There are approximately one hundred types of lapacho trees that are known about. The tree's bark is very sought after for many reasons. However, it is very difficult to find knowledgeable people that can tell the quality lapacho trees from the others of lesser quality within their species.
As a Laxative
The properties that are found in the bark of the lapacho tree can help to keep a person's digestive tract regular. This effect can be due to the presence of the chemical compounds napthaquinones and anthraquinones. They both contain anti-bacterial properties.
Cancer Fighter
Properties from the bark of the lapacho tree may be effective against some types of cancers. It is believed to not only help to prevent tumors from forming, but also to lessen the life span of tumors that may be present in the body. The inner bark of the lapacho can also raise hemoglobin levels as well as red corpuscles amounts.
There are at least two virus that lapacho's anti-viral properties of napthaquinones and lapachol may help to lessen--the herpes and HIV viruses. It is believed lapachol's strength may come from its ability to stimulate the immune system to fight against microbial germs.
Pain Reliever
People who suffer from joint pain may benefit from lapacho's apparent ability to reduce pain. Lapacho extracts contain anti-inflammatory properties which, when consumed as a tea, is believed to lessen symptoms of such ailments as arthritis and ulcers.
There are anti-fungal properties that are found in lapacho that can help the body fight against such fungi as yeast infection. The fungi fighters are napthaquinones, together with chemical compounds lapachol and xyloidine.
Skin Treatment
People in various countries across South America use the lapacho tree to help cure injuries and irritations to the skin that include insect bites and psoriasis. Lapacho is generally applied externally on the skin in the treatment of such ailments.