Health Benefits of Tea Bags
Apply a few wet tea bags on sunburned skin to help ease the pain. Also brew some tea, preferably tea that has aloe in it, and place the brewed tea into a cool bath and soak in it for a while. A few brands of aloe tea to try include Aloe Serenity Green Tea and Aloe Honey Tea.
When sunburn causes skin cracking and peeling, place a few warm tea bags over the irritated skin to help heal and ease the pain.
If breastfeeding, place a few warm tea bags on your breasts where they are hurting and starting to crack. This helps heal the cracks and helps take the pain away almost instantly.
Skin Irritations
Razor burns and mosquito bites can be helped by applying warm tea bags to the affected areas. Tea bags pull infection out of the bites and ease the itching, pain and swelling. Applying warm, wet tea bags to razor burns will reduce swelling.
Colds and Flu
Feeling under the weather? Add some steeped ginger tea to your hot bath water. The ginger stimulates the skin and helps open up your pores, allowing skin to breathe while the cold or flu flows out of it.
Treat cold sores by pressing a warm wet tea bag to the sore for at least 30 minutes a day. The ingredients in the tea bag helps to disinfect the area, pull the toxins from the sore and reduce the swelling. Once-a-day treatments should suffice until the cold sore is gone.
Toothaches and Styes
Ever had a toothache or lost a tooth? Soak a tea bag in cool water and place it on the painful area. The tea bag helps to stop bleeding and eases the pain.
Having a stye can be a painful eye irritation. Apply a wet tea bag over the stye for a few minutes. This helps to reduce the swelling and pain. The best kind of tea bags for this treatment are those high in tannic acid, such as blueberry or bilberry.
Other Uses for Tea Bags
To treat "smelly" feet, you can soak them in strongly brewed tea to help eliminate bad odors.
Refresh tired eyes by closing your eyes and placing warm tea bags on them.
Treat an injection site by putting a wet, cool tea bag on the affected area. This eases the irritation and helps to take down the swelling.
Poison ivy or poison oak breakouts can be treated by taking a rag or cotton ball, dipping it into steeped tea and rubbing it onto the affected areas. Steeped tea relieves pain and clears toxins from the affected area.