Astragalus Benefits
Plant Facts
Astragalus membranaceus is one of almost 2,000 species in the Astragalus genera. These plants belong to the Fabaceae, or Legume, family. Over 400 species of Astragalus grow in North America. The plant is commonly known as "milkvetch" in English, "huang qi" in Chinese, "ogi" in Japanese" and "hwanggi" in Korean. The root of the plant is used medicinally.
Uses in Chinese Medicine
Astragalus is one of the base herbs of Chinese medicine and appears in many common formulas. It is said to "tonify the Qi" and is indicated in cases of chronic illness, general weakness and decreased vitality. Symptoms treated with astragalus include diarrhea, uterine bleeding, shortness of breath, wasting disorders, numbness and paralysis of the limbs and chronic ulceration and sores. It is given as a dried root, either powdered or decocted (liquid extraction using heat and water), and in formula with other herbs.
Uses in Western Herbal Medicine
Western herbalists use astragalus to increase stamina and energy and to strengthen the immune response in depleted individuals. It is used as an adjunct to cancer treatment, particularly to decrease the side effects of chemotherapy drugs. It is also used to strengthen and tone the heart after myocardial infarction (heart attack) and the kidneys after infection. The dried root is used in tea, in decoction, as a tincture (alcohol extract) or powdered in capsules.
Drug Interactions and Contraindications
Astragalus has no well-known drug interactions. As with any immune-enhancing herb, speculation exists that it might offset the effects of certain immunosuppressive drugs. There are no contraindications to astragalus; the herb has no documented side effects.
Consult a naturopathic doctor, Chinese medicine practitioner or qualified herbal practitioner for further information on the use of astragalus. Notify your oncologist if you plan to use herbs as adjunct treatment for cancer. If an infection is accompanied by a fever or lethargy, or if symptoms increase while using this herb, contact a physician or qualified practitioner immediately.