What Is Borage Oil Used for?
Borage flowers have a long history of medicinal use. In Europe, borage flowers have been used for hundreds of years as medicine, food and decoration. But it is the seed oil, rather than the flower, that has earned borage its current popularity. The seed oil is 24 percent gamma linolenic acid, one of the highest natural sources. In the 1980s, the United States began mass-producing borage for the seed oil.
Gamma Linolenic Acid
Essential fatty acids are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet. The body does not produce essential fatty acids, including gamma linolenic acid, so a nutritional source is important. Deficiencies in gamma linolenic acid can arise with age, glucose intolerance and insufficient dietary fat consumption.
Health Benefits
The anti-inflammatory properties of borage oil can help ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. According to Artur Klimaszewski, MD, taking 6 to 10 grams of borage seed oil daily can lead to signs of improvement after several weeks. Borage oil can improve heart health by lowering blood cholesterol levels and minimizing the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. It also plays a part in reducing high blood pressure associated with stress.
Skin Health
Borage oil, as a dietary supplement or topical application, can improve chronic skin conditions. Gamma linolenic acid, found in borage oil, leads to production of prostaglandin. Prostaglandin is a hormone like substance that regulates inflammation. According to Dr. Dennis T. Sepp, low levels of prostaglandin can lead to chronic skin problems. In addition to healing skin problems, borage oil can help the skin retain moisture and protect against damage.
Dietary Supplement
Borage seeds contain small amount of liver toxins. The seed oil does not test positive for the toxin; however, it is important to obtain dietary supplements from a trusted source. Taking high doses of borage oil can cause stomach upset and nausea. Generally up to 12 grams of borage seed oil a day is considered safe. When treating a disease or ailment, it is always advised to consult a physician.