Aloe Juice Facts
Aloe juice is available at most health food stores. It is usually found in the refrigerated section. Purchasing pre-made aloe juice has the benefit of convenience. However, during the heat portion of the pasteurizing process, the bottled juice can lose some of its healthful properties. As a result, many choose to make their own juice. They simple chop up the leaves of the aloe vera plant, being sure to remove the spiny edges, and blend the leaves in a food processor until a juice forms.
Topical Benefit
When used externally on the skin, aloe juice has a cleansing and soothing effect. It can also act as an anti-inflammatory. The juice can be dabbed onto scrapes, cuts, and burns to cleanse and help aid healing. The juice is also a popular way to soothe sunburns. There are two ways to apply juice to the skin. Soak a cloth in the juice and lay or dab the juice onto the skin. Or, you can soak a small area, such as a finger, in undiluted juice. If the affected area is on a large portion of the body, such as a sunburn, add juice to a lukewarm bath and soak for relief.
How Much?
You do not have to drink large amounts of aloe juice to reap the results. Just 2 to 4 ounces can have a positive effect on one's health when taken internally. The medicinal benefits of aloe juice can affect the digestive and circulatory system, the elimination of constipation, the regulation of blood sugar and reduction of hypertension.
Internal Benefits
Drinking aloe juice regularly can contribute to improvement of the digestive and circulatory system. It can regulate blood sugar and help control hypertension. In addition, it will help eliminate constipation by encouraging regular bowel movements. In conjunction, aloe juice can have a positive effect on weight loss by emptying and cleansing the colon. Aloe juice can also encourage the body to metabolize energy more effectively, thus causing the body to draw on energy from fat stores.
As with the majority of alternative therapies, the FDA has not backed the use of aloe juice as a treatment for any diseases or ailments. Still, many individuals are convinced of the benefits through personal use. Although side effects and allergic reactions to aloe are rare, be sure to consult your doctor before beginning a routine of drinking aloe juice.