Topical Benefits of Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a demulcent, which means it has properties that soothe irritated or inflamed skin. This makes it very beneficial in reducing the symptoms of acne, according to Skye Herbals. Acne may manifest itself because of a buildup of impurities in the body. Because the liver helps clear the body of toxins, milk thistle can have a positive effect of clearing the skin.
There are many treatments available for eczema, and using milk thistle as a topical healing agent is one option. Many patients of severe eczema have reported radical improvements in their skin. Milk thistle seems to have a general clearing and radiating effect on the skin. Since it helps the liver do its job, it can help boost the immune system, which can lead to a reduction of symptoms in eczema patients.
Milk thistle can be found in skin care products that serve to moisturize the skin. The demulcent aspect of milk thistle can heal dry skin and make it more supple. Fine lines on the skin can fade when properly moisturized. It softens the skin and gives it a youthful appearance. You can find many varieties of milk thistle beauty products at a natural health food store.
According to a report in "The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology," the use of the main ingredient in milk thistle, silymarin, was useful in reducing rosacea symptoms. In this study a topical treatment was given to see if the itching and stinging that rosacea patients experience could be reduced, with positive results. Treating skin disorders like rosacea are becoming easier now that topical treatments like milk thistle are more widely available.
Milk thistle is used to treat psoriasis patients. Psoriasis sufferers have been observed to have high levels of leukotrienes, a group of hormones known to cause inflammation. The silymarin in milk thistle inhibits leukotrienes and has a healing effect for the patients, according to a report in Alternative Medicine Review. Using milk thistle topically is a viable treatment option for psoriasis.