What is Yohimbine?
Treatment of Eerectile Dysfunction
The most common use for yohimbine and other yohimbe based compounds is as a treatment for male erectile dysfunction. Yohimbine works by increasing penile blood in-flow while reducing out-flow. Generally, it takes two to three weeks for the effects of yohimbine to begin.
Treatment of Other Male Sexual Dysfunction
Yohimbine is also used to treat male hyposexuality, or a low male sex drive due to a variety of factors. Although the exact mechanism has yet to be established, it appears that yohimbine may work by increasing blood flow to male genitalia.
Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction
Yohimbine is sometimes prescribed for the treatment of hyposexuality, or low sex drive, in women. Although the exact mechanism has yet to be established, it appears that yohimbine may work by increasing blood flow to the female genitalia.
Treatment of Hyposexuality Due to SSRI
One of the side effects of selective seratonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI) is a reduced sex drive. Yohimbine is often prescribed to counteract this side effect of SSRIs.
Treatment of Other Medical Conditions
Yohimbine has been prescribed for several other medical conditions. Yohimbine increases salivation, so can sometimes be used as a treatment for dry mouth. It also triggers a mild rise in blood pressure, and can be used as a low blood pressure treatment. Yohimbine has been prescribed to increase body mass during body building exercise, but recent research has shown no increase in body mass when used in this way.
Side Effects
Some rare reported side effects of yohimbine include increased heart rate and anxiety disorders, overstimulation, panic attacks, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, skin flushing and in rare cases hallucinations. Extreme, and very rare, side effects can include seizures and renal failure.