What Are the Benefits of Taking Sea Kelp?
What is Sea Kelp?
Sea kelp is a seaweed and a vegetable that comes in various colors and grows along most shorelines. Two of the best varieties grow along Nova Scotia and the Norwegian Coastlines. Ascophyllum nodosum is the Norwegian variety. According to 1001 Herbs for a Healthy Life, it contains more than 12 vitamins, 60 major traces of chelated minerals and 20 key amino acids.
Seaweed Salad
The Japanese have used seaweed in soups and salads, as well as to wrap sushi, for centuries. Its iodine content is very high, which benefits the thyroid gland and therefore helps regulate your metabolism. The type of kelp you use is important. If the seaweed is grown in polluted waters, the leaves will absorb the pollution.
Chinese Theory
Seaweeds have a salty taste, which is an indication that the material can disperse phlegm accumulation. When you gargle with salt water to ease a sore throat, you accomplish the same thing. Kelp was used to help with goiters prior to the addition of iodine to salt. According to Herbology.Materia.Medica, a type of kelp called Hai Zao, also known as Sargassum seaweed, tends to have a bitter taste. It benefits the kidneys, lungs, liver and stomach meridians. It is also believed to promote urination and decrease body and leg edema.
Toxin Removal and the Building of Bone Strength
Sea kelp works as a toxin scavenger in the body. It helps balance your body's PH and build your immune systems to fight off viruses. The thyroid is the main consumer of iodine, but breast tissue can also benefit from the additional iodine intake. The level of calcium in sea kelp is so high that it beats out milk, so consuming kelp can help prevent osteoporosis and strengthen your bones.
Animals, Humans and the Benefits of Kelp
Sprinkling kelp on your animals' food can give them the same benefits it gives humans. It can increase stamina, relieve arthritis pain and fight allergies. In humans, it has been known to soften the skin, and in animals, it can improve the conditions of their coats and feathers. Kelp reduces shedding, and for animals going white around the muzzle, it can assist in restoring natural color to the fur.