What Herb Will Help Arthritis?
This article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to be a form of medical advice or treatment. Allergic reactions can occur with the use of herbs. Herbal remedies can adversely affect other medications. Tell the doctor of all medications, whether herbal or pharmaceutical, when inquiring about arthritis treatments. Herbal remedies should never be used without consulting a physician first.
Chamomile is used for many ailments as a tea and as a wash. Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory herb which helps with the swelling of the joints. Chamomile can be used in the bath to relax and relieve sore muscles and joints. Used as a tea, this herb has a calming effect. People using chamomile for arthritis will find relief from the painful symptoms.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which is acts as a natural aspirin. The pepper oil is made into a cream for use on joints and inflamed areas to relieve the pain. The Mayo Clinic states that capsaicin is excellent for temporary relief of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Licorice is not just a candy. The roots from the plant are a popular medicinal herb. People suffering from different forms of arthritis can use licorice as an anti-inflammatory. Users should be aware that continuous use of this herb can cause side effects. A physician should be consulted before using licorice if the patient has had a stroke or heart problems.
Stinging Nettles
Nettles have been used for many ailments throughout the years. From coughs and colds to inflammation and joint pain, nettles relieves many different symptoms. Patients use the entire plant, leaves and stems, fresh or dried, in teas and rubs. Doctors believe stinging nettles are so effective on arthritis patients because the sting from the plant interferes with the pain receptors in the body. The pain of the stinging nettles is a topical one that replaces the internal pain.
Weeping Willow
The bark of the willow tree contains salicin, the natural ingredient aspirin is made from. This herb is also a great anti-inflammatory. Willow can alleviate the pain of arthritis as well as reduce the swelling of inflamed joints. This is the same herb which was used to create Bayer aspirin.