Information on Herbs to Stop Frequent Urination
Herbal remedies for virtually every condition go back thousands of years. In fact many of the herbs that are used to help relieve the problems associated with modern man can be traced back to the earliest civilizations where they were used extensively.
Causes of Frequent Urination
Frequent urination for men often has its roots in the prostate. For women, frequent urination can be caused by childbirth and the impact of age as it weakens the muscles involved causing more frequent needs to eliminate due to an inability to support a healthy bladder size.
Herbs for Men
Pygeum is one herb that is thought to help, but current research appears to indicate that saw palmetto berries have a significant impact on the underlying factors that impact prostate health. Combination formulas often make use of both and lead to positive results.
Herbs for Women
Many women benefit from ginkgo to resolve frequent urinary issues while others can often find assistance from cardamom. Cardamom is not as frequently used in the West as it is employed by Ayurvedic (Indian) practitioners.
Uva Ursi
One herb that provides help to both men and women with urinary problems is uva ursi. This herb is most often associated with helping women but has the potential to be of value to men.