Health Benefits of Licorice Root
Digestive Tract
Licorice root is frequently used for relieving health problems in the lower stomach and the digestive tract. Licorice root is used to cure ulcers, alleviate indigestion, calm an unsettled stomach, and can be a gentle laxative. Licorice root is beneficial for problems in the digestive tract, liver and to lower cholesterol. It's often used to treat people who have hepatitis.
Licorice root helps boost immunity levels because it's filled with antioxidants. This makes licorice root great for helping women during menopause, hindering the increase of bacteria and also warding off numerous viruses such as the flu.
Respiratory Problems
Licorice root is used successfully in treating respiratory problems. It eases inflammation and irritation that's associated with coughs and infections. Licorice root helps to break up any tightness in the chest and help a cough produce phlegm. Licorice root has expectorant properties, so it's also used to treat coughs and, quite frequently, asthma.
According to Medline Plus, licorice root has pain-reducing properties that often help ease headaches, reduce fever and soothe pain. In addition, licorice root is used to treat allergies and disorders that are associated with it.
Licorice root is often used by women who suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome and other menstrual problems. This is because it has properties that can reduce bloating, tenderness of the breasts and irritability.
A typical dosage of licorice root is 200mg. It's available in a number of forms and can be bought at most vitamin and health food stores. People who suffer from high blood pressure shouldn't use licorice root until they have discussed it with their physician.