How to Cure Acid Reflux With Slippery Elm & Lettuce
Acid reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach is regurgitated up into the esophagus. This process is a result of the stomach forcing liquid up as a natural process. This process is usually kept in check by swallowing (saliva contains bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acid) and by gravity (if you are standing upright, the acid flows back down into your stomach). However, in some individuals, there is more acid being regurgitated higher up in the esophagus and the esophageal lining can be damaged.Things You'll Need
- Blender
- Chopping knife
- Measuring cup
- Distilled water
Wash romaine lettuce in distilled water.
Rough-chop a head of romaine and put the leaves in a blender.
Add cold distilled water slowly while blending the lettuce. You're trying to make a slurry, so the mixture shouldn't be too watery.
Add 1 tsp. slippery elm bark.
Drink 4 to 8 oz. of the mixture at a time to treat your acid reflux. Store any unused mixture in the refrigerator.