What Is Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice?
Licorice root has a long history of use in both the Chinese and Western herbal traditions. It has a soothing effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and lungs, and is used for cough, sore throat, gastritis and any condition that irritates these membranes. Licorice is one of the most common herbs in detoxification and cleansing formulas.
Glycyrrhizin (also known as glycyrrhizic acid or glycyrrhizinic acid) is the main active constituent in licorice root. According to Dr. Sharol Tilgner in her book "Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth," glycyrrhizin decreases inflammation by enhancing the movement of white blood cells toward the inflamed area, and increases the activity of several immune compounds. The compound also inhibits the breakdown of cortisol and corticosteroids, increasing the anti-inflammatory effects of these hormones.
Side Effects of Glycyrrhizin
Some people experience increased water retention and blood pressure with long-term use of licorice root. Glycyrrhizin is responsible for this, as it can cause the body to reabsorb sodium at the kidneys, which decreases the amount of water excreted. Licorice root is therefore contraindicated in anyone with high blood pressure, heart failure and kidney or liver disease, and it should not be used by pregnant women.
DGL Uses
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice was developed in order to avoid the effects of licorice root on blood pressure. DGL is safe in pregnancy and is safe for those with high blood pressure and liver and kidney conditions. Its sole use is to soothe irritations of the digestive tract, as without the glycyrrhizin, the detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects of licorice are lost.
Contraindications of DGL
There are no known contraindications of DGL. Some people are adverse to the taste of the chewable or powdered forms.