What Is the Recommended Daily Amount of Borage Oil?
Borage oil is important for youthful healthy skin, blood vessel function, moderating blood pressure, maintaining the smooth muscle system and controlling inflammation. The body does not produce essential fatty acids so they must be present in the diet. Daily consumption of up to 12 grams a day of borage oil can benefit your overall health.
Heart Health
Taking from 1 to 4 grams of borage oil daily can help in lowering blood cholesterol levels in the body. Taking 4 to 5 grams of borage oil daily can help with stress-related blood pressure problems. Relieving high blood pressure and cholesterol may help to prevent cardiovascular disease.
Diabetes and Related Conditions
Taking 2 grams of borage oil daily may help to prevent nerve damage in people with diabetes. Neuropathy is a diabetes-related condition where nerve damage occurs due to an imbalance in the blood glucose levels in the body.
Chronic Skin Conditions
Taking 2 to 3 grams of borage oil a day can benefit cases of eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema where the skin is inflamed and easily irritated. Borage oil can also be rubbed directly into the skin and affected areas for added benefit.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Taking 6 to 10 grams of borage oil a day are the levels that have shown to be effective in relieving some of the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Gamma linolenic acid found in borage oil has anti-inflammatory properties that assist in managing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
As a Dietary Supplement
Gamma linolenic acid is found in most vegetable oils and is already a part of a balanced diet. But deficiencies can arise due to aging, glucose intolerance or dietary fat consumption. Taking borage oil can increase the levels of this important dietary fat and contribute to improved health.
In general, taking up to 12 grams a day of borage oil is considered safe. Borage seeds contain small amounts of a liver toxin called pyrrolizidine alkaloids; however studies have shown that the toxin exists in the seed but not in the seed oil. Still it is advised to obtain dietary supplements from a reputable source. There are, as yet, no studies that indicate a safe maximum dosage of borage oil. The benefits of borage oil use in high doses are closely regulated by qualified physicians. In general, it is advised to take borage oil in moderation. Taking borage oil in high amounts can lead to stomach upset. When treating a disease or chronic condition it is always advised to consult a physician.