What Are the Benefits of Wolfberry?
Strong Bones and Teeth
The high amounts of calcium in the wolfberry make it useful for building strong teeth and bones. It also helps to protect and preserve tissues, keeping them safe from damage and disease.
Enhance Vitamin Intake
The riboflavin in the wolfberry works to help the body receive all the other vitamins and minerals taken in. It is required to helps breakdown these vitamins and process them into usable enzymes the body can then administer through the bloodstream.
Immune Booster
Wolfberry is a powerful antioxidant that can work to boost the immune system by seeking out harmful free radicals and toxins. By purging these from the system, it helps to prevent sickness and disease as it bolsters the body's natural defenses.
Eye Health
Wolfberry can help promote proper eye function. By aiding in tissue repair and lowering stress levels, it can help to preserve the eyes and keep them in working order.
Wolfberry is an anti-inflammatory which works to curb certain inflammations in the body. Swelling and the pains of arthritis can be helped by the calming effects it contains. Additionally, respiratory problems, such as the common cold, are lessened.
As an antioxidant, wolfberry works to combat oxidation of the cells, which can cause premature aging of the skin. It slows the process, lessening fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in younger looking skin.
Wolfberry can work to combat the signs of fatigue through its ability to help energy production in the body. It helps to hasten the metabolism, resulting in balanced energy levels throughout the day.