How to Raise Antibodies
Take astragalus tablets. Astragalus contains the antiviral compound flavonoid, which increases antibodies--particularly the natural killer cells. It also increases phagocytic activity, which is responsible for bacterial engulfment. Take three tablets three times a week.
Consume picrorrhiza tablets. This herb boosts your immune system and protects you from infections by stimulating and increasing your T and B lymphocytes. It can also reduce allergies and strengthen your liver. Take one capsule every day one hour after meals.
Eat plenty of garlic. This plant is made up of the compound allicin, which improves your immune system by raising your natural killer cells. Add garlic to most of your meals every day. You can also take garlic supplements. Take two garlic supplements every day.
Take wild indigo supplements. The main component of this flower is tephroline, a powerful substance that increases your antibodies. Wild indigo is very effective in treating infections. Take one tablet every day.
Take echinacea tablets. This popular herb contains the phenol echinacoside, a powerful compound that increases all your antibodies while improving your blood circulation. Take one tablet twice a week to safely raise your antibodies and help you fight infections quickly.