Healing Effects of Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is used to relieve poor blood circulation, gas, cramps, pain, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, digestive problems and toothache.
One of the key health benefits of cayenne pepper is its ability to improve heart functioning and even restart the heart after an attack.
Capsaicin is described as "TNT," and the chemical's immediate effects take place upon consumption of cayenne pepper. The heat of the cayenne causes an automatic increase in blood circulation, not just in the mouth, but throughout the entire body.
The internal explosion caused by cayenne pepper results in blood flow at rates of speed able to break through blockages which are the cause of areas of disease or sickness in the body. Restoring blood flow to these previously blocked tissues and organs ensures the arrival of healing nutrients and the removal of waste.
Cayenne pepper can be purchased as a seasoning, an herbal extract or powder or in capsule form. Chili peppers can also be added whole, in strips or diced bits to your meals. Additionally, the pepper seeds can be dried and used as seasoning or taken as a health aid.
Another use for cayenne pepper is topical application directly to the skin to relieve rheumatic pain, arthritis or other bone/joint discomfort. This treatment method is accomplished by use of purchased creams containing cayenne pepper or capsaicin.
It is a common belief that hot peppers irritate the stomach or cause ulcers, however, because cayenne pepper kills harmful bacteria in the stomach, researchers link it to ulcer prevention.