What Is Arnica For?
Topical Arnica
Arnica is used externally in the form of a cream, gel, oil, compress or tincture to treat bruising, swelling associated with fractures or sprains, muscle aches, and muscle soreness and to reduce inflammation. Oils, creams and gels are widely available. Tinctures can be made by soaking the leaves in alcohol for several weeks to extract the healing properties, and a compress can be made by crushing the fresh plant and using it directly on the affected area.
Homeopathic Arnica
Taking arnica internally as a homeopathic remedy is considered safe in a very diluted form. Homeopathic remedies dilute the plant essence usually as 1 part substance to 1 billion parts water. In this highly diluted form, arnica can be taken internally to assist in the healing of bruising, swelling due to fractures or damage, sore muscles and inflammation.
Arnica contains anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene lactone helenalin, which aids in healing inflammation by selectively inhibiting the activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB. NF-kappaB is an important regulator in the human immune system response. By inhibiting the immune response from throwing everything it has at the affected area, arnica can help to slow swelling after an injury.
Arnica aids in stimulating and dilating blood vessels so that when damage occurs, blood moves rapidly to the affected area and quickly carries away toxins with it so that buildup of tissue and blood don't inhibit healing. This is what makes arnica an aid in treating traumatic skin injuries.
Arnica in plant and tincture form should only be used externally. Taking arnica internally can cause dizziness, heart palpitations, vomiting and heart tremors, and if taken in considerable quantities it can cause death. Arnica should not be used on broken skin or rashes. Prolonged use may cause a rash; some people may be allergic to arnica. Taking highly diluted homeopathic arnica is safe, but as always when treating a disease or if you are pregnant or nursing, seek the advice of your physician.