What Are the Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Men?
Cholesterol Management
Flaxseed oil can help to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, which are typically referred to as the bad sort of cholesterol. It may also work to raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, or good cholesterol levels in the blood as well. Blood pressure may also be regulated by taking flaxseed oil.
Cancer Fighting
Flaxseed oil may reduce the risk of cancer by isolating affected cells and killing them, while leaving the healthy cells alone. Although outside studies have been conducted, the Food and Drug Administration has not weighed in on this issue and considers alternative medicines outside its jurisdiction.
Stomach Relief
Flaxseed oil can help reduce the amount of stomach acid produced. This can help with a number of digestive issues, such as upset stomach and nausea. Excess acid that goes unchecked can lead to illnesses such as acid reflux disease that can cause permanent damage.
Toxin Absorption
Flaxseed oil can help recognize harmful toxins and absorb them, thus preventing the development of disease and certain types of cancer. The toxins can then be safely expelled from the body with no harmful side effects.
Skin Health
The omega 3 in flaxseed oil helps improve skin problems such as acne and discoloration. The leveling of omega 3 in the body also helps diminish such issues as eczema, dry skin and psoriasis. It may also help renew skin and slow aging.
Stress Relief
Flaxseed oil may help the body respond to stressors. The body has a natural tendency to tighten up during times of stress, which can cause undue pressure and damage to certain systems and muscles. The oil helps to lessen the tension caused during stressful moments.
Rich in Fiber
Flaxseed oil has high amounts of fiber, which promotes a healthy colon and cleaner body. The oil helps keep the body regular, assisting in the continual flushing out of harmful toxins left over from unused material taken into the body and absorbed by the digestive system.
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