What Is Panax Ginseng Extract?
Panax Ginseng
Panax Ginseng varieties include the cultivar of wild Asian ginseng. Ginseng's many grades are based on years of growth, shape and preparation method, with the wild root being the most valuable.
Root Preparation
White ginseng is no more than six years old, while red ginseng is harvested at six or more years. Red ginseng is steam cured before drying and crushed if used as an ingredient in tonic brews.
Although Panax tea can be brewed at home, the process requires special utensils and considerable time. Panax Ginseng Extract contains the many active elements of the herb in a ready-to-drink preparation.
Numerous companies manufacture similar tonics and quality varies. A typical dose of 6,000mg may contain 25mg of active ginsenosides, with root age estimates from 12 to 20 years.
White Tonic
Younger roots of poorer quality often are bottled in sweet herbal teas and sold as an energy drink. The white ginseng drinks are considered more a confection than a health tonic.