Holistic Treatment for Acid Reflex
Chinese Angelica (Angelica archangelica)
Angelica is a carminative, a substance that is soothing to the digestive tract and reduces the production of gas in the body. Herbal botanist, Dr. James A. Duke recommends mixing the juice of angelica stalks with that of carrots, celery, fennel, garlic, parsley and parsnips to make Angelade, a healthy beverage to sooth acid reflux symptoms.
Camomile (Matricria recutita)
Although some European countries consider it a pesky weed, camomile is a valuable plant. It is believed to be an immunity-booster, an anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic. All of these properties are helpful for treating acid reflux. Camomile makes a very fragrant and relaxing tea, and it can be found in most grocery stores. Camomile, however, is part of the ragweed family, so it has the potential to cause an allergic reaction.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Licorice is believed to be an antispasmodic that reduces the production of stomach acid. Drink up to three cups of licorice tea or eat several pieces of licorice candy or lozenges. Make sure the licorice candy contains real licorice and is not merely licorice flavored. Note that long-term use of licorice can cause headache, fatigue, water retention and high blood pressure.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Traditional cultures across the globe have used peppermint to aid in digestive problems for centuries. Other mints such as spearmint, lemon balm, sage and basil also have stomach-settling properties and can be safely combined with peppermint and with one another. Use the tops of mint plants to make a pleasant-tasting tea. You can also eat peppermint candies or chew gum after a meal to aid digestion and expel gas.
Other Suggestions
Acid reflux symptoms can be minimized by eating smaller meals more frequently. Avoid eating fried, greasy and oily foods or hot and spicy foods. Limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine. Also, try not to eat for 4 to 6 hours before going to bed so that your stomach is mostly empty while you sleep.
Always see your health care provider if you have heartburn or acid reflux symptoms.