How to Make Salves
Things You'll Need
- Herbs
- Wax and infused oil
- Olive oil
- Your choice of essential oil
- Double boiler pan
- Cooking thermometer
- Jar
Rinse off the dirt from the leaves of your selected herbs or plantain leaves in a cold running water. Pat them dry. Put the leaves in a blender or food processor for fine chopping. Put the mixture into the glass bottle.
Fill the glass bottle with vegetable oil, and cover the lid. Let the mixture stand for about a month to allow enough time for infusion. Once enough time has passed, strain the leaves from the oil. Retain the oil and discard the strained leaves.
Put the oil into a double boiler. Cook the oil with low heat, about 100º F, and avoid simmering the mixture. Place a thermometer in the pot to keep an eye on the temperature.
In a separate dish, prepare the wax. Then, mix it into the infused oil. Keep them mixture warm enough to allow the wax to slowly melt, and prevent the wax from solidifying.
Keep stirring the mixture until the wax has completely melted. Once the wax has completely melted, remove the boiler from the heat. Pour the mixture into a glass container.
Test the consistency of your salve by dripping a couple of drops into the bottom of the salve jar. If it happens to be too loose, add more wax. If the mixture is too firm, add olive oil.
Your glass jars should be completely cool before sealing. The unwanted condensation may ruin the consistency, as well as the quality, of your salve.
After your bottled salve is set, make a label with the ingredients you used, and place on your bottled salve. Also be sure to indicate the date when it was prepared.