Benefits of COD Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is a very popular disease-fighting alternative medicine used the world over for years. The Omega-3 found in the cod liver oil is responsible for a wide variety of health benefits that aid in a healthier, better performing body.
  1. Arthritis Relief

    • Cod liver oil helps to relieve the pain and uncomfortable side effects of arthritis. It helps in the restoring of cartilage and fluid between the joints to alleviate pain and discomfort, while assisting in the ability to greater manipulation of the extremities.

    Heart Health

    • Cod liver oil helps to protect the heart and circulatory system. Plaque build-ups are lessened, which helps reduce risks of attacks and clogged arteries. The heart is able to function properly and without having to be overworked due to partially blocked passages.

    Immune Health

    • Cod liver oil boosts the immune system. It helps the body identify and flush out toxins and free radicals, which are responsible for sickness and disease. Prolonged use promotes a healthy immune system and an absence of common illnesses.

    Eye Health

    • Cod liver oil contains fatty acids that have been linked to eye health. These acids help to protect the eyes from damaging outside forces and work to defend against degenerative diseases such as glaucoma.

    Allergy Relief

    • Cod liver oil helps to reduce allergens in the body. By lessening the effects these allergens have on the body, symptoms such as rashes, itching and runny noses are diminished. Regular intake of cod liver oil works to maintain a daily defense against allergies.

    Asthma Relief

    • The anti-inflammatory properties of cod liver oil help to relieve the symptoms of asthma. The flare-ups of asthma are lessened, and the chances of an attack are diminished. This, in turn, allows for less of a dependence on inhalers and other medicines.

    Skin Health

    • Cod liver oil is great for maintain healthy, radiant skin. It works to clear the skin from toxins and helps maintain the underlying collagen to keep skin firm and healthy looking. Continued use of cod liver oil greatly improves the look and feel of the skin.

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