What Is Eyebright?
Eyebright belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family, and its scientific name is Euphrasia officinalis. After harvesting, Eyebright is then air dried for herbal medicines. Eyebright contains many beneficial components: tannins, iridoid glycosides, phenolic acids, volatile oil, amino acids, sterols and choline. These components give Eyebright its natural potency and effectiveness as a widely used herbal medicine.
Eyebright works as an astringent that causes the contraction and constriction of body tissues, which decreases the flow of secretions and blood in the area where it's applied. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-catarrhal properties, which means it works against the inflammation of the mucous membranes--particularly the throat and nose.
Eyebright is used as a natural remedy for eye disorders including inflammation, sties and fatigue. It's also used against nasal, sinus and eye congestion, as well as for coughing and a hoarse throat.
Eyebright is prepared as a compress or taken internally as a tea, herbal supplement capsules or in extract form. As a compress, 1 tbsp. of the herb is added to 2 cups of boiling water, and is allowed to seep for 10 minutes. Once cooled, it's applied as a compress over the affected area. As a tea, it's prepared according to the amount recommended by a health care professional and is usually drunk as a tea, 2 to 3 cups a day. Likewise, capsules and herbal extracts are also taken according to the amounts recommended by a health care provider.
Consult your health care provider before taking Eyebright, especially if you're taking other medications. If there are any adverse effects, notify her immediately. Its effects during pregnancy and lactation aren't well known, so it shouldn't be taken without the advice and supervision of a doctor.
The Food and Drug Administration hasn't officially evaluated the efficacy, purity and safeness of Eyebright, and the herb's manufacturing process is unregulated.