What Is Eyebright Powder?
The Latin name of Eyebright is Euphrasia officinalis, and it belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family. Eyebright powder is used for its properties, as it contains amino acids, choline, volatile oil, phenolic acids, tannins, sterols, and iridoid glycosides.
Eyebright powder has astringent, anti-catarrhal, and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties allow it to constrict the body's tissues, decrease blood and secretion flows, and reduce the swelling in the affected area. It is used to treat eye ailments, coughing and hoarseness of the throat, as well as congestion of the sinuses, nose and eyes.
Eyebright powder can be brewed in boiling water, and then used as a compress over the affected areas. It can also be prepared as a tea by adding the prescribed amount to boiling water and allowing it to seep. The herb will eventually settle at the bottom of the pot, and then the tea water can be poured off the top.
Side Effects
Generally, there are no negative interactions between Eyebright and various foods and drinks. Furthermore, side effects are also rare, and are primarily associated with an allergy to Eyebright or one of its components. These could include light sensitivity, toothache, low vision, increased urination, constipation, inability to sleep, sneezing and yawning, sweating, weakness, disorientation, shortness of breath, and throat hoarseness or cough.
Eyebright powder should only be taken under the recommendation of a health care professional. If a person is taking medications, discuss drug interactions with a pharmacist and health care provider, as well. It is also not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Additionally, the purity, efficacy and safeness of Eyebright have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor does it fall under current regulations of herbal manufacturing. Therefore, Eyebright powder should be purchased from reputable companies that operate with safe manufacturing standards.