What Is the Herb Eyebright Used For?

The herb Eyebright is used for eye inflammation and fatigue, and other eye disorders. It is used to relieve congestion of the sinuses, nasal cavity and the eyes. Eyebright also works well for hoarseness and coughs. Its medicinal properties have made Eyebright a popular herbal remedy throughout the cold-inducing climates of its native Bulgaria, Hungary and Yugoslavia, and throughout Europe.
  1. Identification

    • Eyebright's botanical name is Euphrasia officinalis, and it grows as a creeping plant that blooms in the latter part of summer and into the early autumn. The petals of its white blossoms surround its black center, bearing the resemblance of an eye brightened by the flower's white and yellow hues.


    • Eyebright's medicinal properties stem from its rich content of iridoid glycosides, amino acids, volatile oil, tannins, phenolic acids, choline and sterols. Its potency causes body tissues to constrict, blood flow and secretions to lessen and inflammation to subside, as it works to promote healing of the affected area.


    • The Eyebright plant and blossoms are harvested and dried for herbal preparations. It is available in three main forms--in powder, capsule and extract form. Eyebright can be brewed into teas of varying strengths, for use as a tea and for external applications to reduce inflammation and provide relief at the direct site. As a capsule, the herb can be ingested and released directly in the stomach for an unfiltered effect in the body. Eyebright extract concentrates the elements of bulk amounts of the herb into a few drops, affording maximum potency of the herb's usage.


    • Although side effects are rare and food interactions are not a concern, Eyebright should not be taken without the advice of a health care professional. Allergies, drug interactions and health conditions such as pregnancy and lactation are all concerns to be discussed before taking Eyebright.


    • The efficacy of Eyebright has not been evaluated and publicly approved by the FDA. Furthermore, the manufacturing practices of Eyebright are unregulated, raising concerns of safety and purity of product, from one company to another. These matters should be taken into consideration before beginning an Eyebright regimen.

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