What Are the Benefits of Essiac?
Burdock Root
Burdock root, also called Arctium lappa, is considered important in traditional healing as a blood cleanser and aid in digestive tract functions. Its mucus-reducing abilities can aid in improved gastrointestinal tract functions, while stimulating the immune system. Burdock root also aids in releasing toxins, both through the skin and with its diuretic qualities, and improves high blood sugar levels with chromium, while its vitamin A and selenium aid in apprehending free radicals in the body. Burdock root can be eaten as a vegetable and is turning up with increasing frequency at health food stores.
Indian Rhubarb Root
Indian rhubarb root, or Rheum officinale, is another digestive tract aid, as well as having liver-cleansing properties. Its laxative properties are accompanied by an astringent action, which may also have antiseptic actions. The combination of waste elimination and astringent cleansing make Indian rhubarb root a strong digestive tract cleansing aid. Indian rhubarb should be used with caution and avoided by pregnant women. The leaves are poisonous and should not be ingested.
Slippery Elm Inner Bark
The inner bark of the slippery elm tree is high in calcium, tannins, mucilages and magnesium, as well as several important vitamins such as A, B, C and K. The tannins and the mucilages aid the nerve channels, glands and tissues by dissolving mucus deposits. Calcium, magnesium and vitamins aid in supporting organs, tissues and membranes.
Sheep Sorrel
Sheep sorrel, or Rumex acetosella, is a traditional herbal remedy for detoxification by stimulating sweating and encouraging elimination through the kidneys. Trace minerals include ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, silicon and mineral oxides. It is also thought to stimulate cell rejuvenation, combat swelling and treat fevers.
There have as yet been no conclusive studies that essiac has the ability to cure cancer. Essiac should not replace traditional treatment or be taken without consulting a doctor. Many people have used essiac with varying results, some positive and some without results. You can read more about Rene Caisse's work, articles she wrote and her immune system theory on her website (essiacinfo.org).