What Is Resveratrol Extract?
Resveratrol is found naturally in the environment. It was first discovered in a plant called the white hellebore, a member of the lily family. Resveratrol was also then found in the Japanese knotweed. However, resveratrol extract only came into the limelight when it was credited as the reason for the benefits of wine for those suffering from heart disease. A good source of resveratrol extract is found in the skin and seeds of grapes.
In order to get resveratrol extract, the plant source is tested to ensure that it is not contaminated by chemicals and other materials. Once it has been cleared, the plant source is placed in large metal containers called extractors. Alcohol such as ethanol and methanol are used to separate the resveratrol extract from the fibers of the plant. The liquid that is produced is then processed even further through various procedures such as exposure to high pressure. Once it has been purified, the resveratrol extract is then vacuum-dried to remove the alcohol.
It has been published in some scientific journals that resveratrol shows promise in the treatment of cancer. Studies done on animals show that resveratrol interacts with the cancerous cells to render them ineffective. However, one of the criticisms that this particular substance has received is that it may not be possible to administer it in amounts large enough to cure cancer in humans. But despite this, its promise in the field of cancer research is still not ignored in that resveratrol extract has shown that it can be effective when it comes in direct contact with skin and gastrointestinal tumors.
Weight Loss
Research on the use of resveratrol extract as a means for weight loss has also been conducted. Studies have shown that mammals who were given high dosages of this particular substance had the tendency to build muscle and decreased the buildup of fats. This means that resveratrol extract shows promise in terms of reducing obesity and lowering cholesterol levels.
Since resveratrol is found in many plant products, the most common way to consume it is orally through food and drink. Red wine, in particular, has high concentrations of resveratrol extracts. Other types of food that contain resveratrol include peanuts and mulberries. There are also commonly distributed supplements that contain this particular substance. Commercially available products usually source the resveratrol extract from dried grape skins and seeds or Japanese knotweed. However, it is not yet considered as a therapeutic agent. Some experts do not encourage the use of supplements because the benefits of resveratrol extract require more research.