Benefits of Pycnogenol
Maintains Cholesterol
When used regularly, Pycnogenol has been known to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the body. It lowers the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while increasing the HDL (good cholesterol levels) throughout the bloodstream. This also aids in better overall circulatory system operations.
Sexual Health
Pycnogenol aids in the fight against erectile dysfunction (ED.) By increasing production of nitric oxide in the system, blood is able to flow more smoothly. The blood is then able to reach extremities in a faster, and longer lasting, manner, resulting in increased stamina.
Cancer Fighting
Pycnogenol contains antioxidants that help protect cells from free radicals and foreign toxins. These toxins are blocked from latching onto healthy cells and forming a bond that can lead to cancers and illnesses.
Asthma Relief
Pycnogenol's anti-inflammatory properties help restrict inflammation of the lungs and airways, which causes flair-ups for asthma sufferers. By checking these flair-ups, the use of inhalers for asthma is lessened.
Arthritis Relief
Those who suffer from arthritis can find relief with continued use of Pycnogenol. The rapid loss of fluids and cartilage between the joints is lessened, resulting in smoother manipulation of the limbs. There are also mild pain relief properties that may help as well.
Skin Health
Pycnogenol has been known to improve the look and feel of skin. It can tighten the skin by aiding in the renewal of collagen and protection for outside forces working to prematurely age the skin. It also helps to relieve symptoms of psoriasis.
Immune System Help
Pycnogenol helps the immune system stay in check and protect the body from illness. Everyday colds and allergies are lessened with continued use, as is the dependence on over-the-counter medications for these sicknesses.