Side Effects of Bio Noni Juice
Drug Interactions
Because vitamin K is often in noni juice, beware of any interaction with drugs you may be taking. Warfarin and Coumadin users should check with their doctors before adding noni juice to their diets. Since the use of the juice is fairly new, it's important to become familiar with all the ingredients in the brand of juice you are using and the possible interactions with prescription medications.
Because of the high levels of potassium in noni juice, anyone with renal disease should avoid noni juice. Also be aware that the level of potassium in noni juice, combined with other foods or supplements that are high in potassium, may be dangerous as well.
Despite claims that noni juice can be beneficial to diabetics, there are factors to consider. Because fruit is high in natural sugars (fructose), diabetics must factor the sugars in noni juice into their daily diet plan. In addition, some juices contain added corn syrup or other sweeteners to the juice. Read the label and know what you're getting.
Although rare, there is some evidence that noni juice may be related to worsening liver damage in people who already suffer from liver disease. Anyone who has any type of liver disease including hepatitis should only use noni juice after talking with a physician.
Avoiding Treatment
Perhaps the serious effect isn't really a side effect of noni juice. Many people will try these treatments before seeing a doctor for a condition. Because the FDA has issued warning to several manufactures about making unsubstantiated claims, it is imperative to first see a physician before you try an alternative treatment to rule out serious conditions that need medical care. Pregnant and nursing women should not take noni.