What Is Dong Quai Root Extract?
Dong Quai root extract is often used to combat the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Symptoms that can be treated using Dong Quai include hot flashes and mood swings. If you plan to take Dong Quai while using hormone-replacement therapy (HRT), consult your doctor. It is not yet known how Dong Quai affects the body's natural estrogen levels.
Absent Menstruation
Dong Quai is used to treat absent menstruation, or amenorrhea. Within a week after beginning Dong Quia extract treatment, women of childbearing age who suffer from amenorrhea have had their periods return. The reason for this is not yet known.
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Dong Quai root extract has been useful for some women who experience PMS. Moodiness, bloating, headaches and cramps may be alleviated by regular use of Dong Quai root extract.
It is suggested that Dong Quai root extract be administered only to adults 18 years of age and older. The safety of this herb has not been evaluated and is therefore not recommended for use in children. Dong Quai root extract is taken orally under the tongue. Three drops in the morning should suffice. Taking three more drops when needed may also be useful.
Because Dong Quia has not been evaluated by the FDA, consult an herbalist for a complete list of food and drug interactions.
Dong Quai has been reported to interfere with the body's ability to clot blood. Therefore, Dong Quai should not be used by people who suffer from hemophilia or other clotting-related diseases.
Pregnant and nursing women should not use Dong Quai. According to the Mayo Clinic website, animal studies on Dong Quai have produced conflicting results on fetal development as well as effects on the uterus.