How to Cure Incontinence With Food
Things You'll Need
- Low-calorie diet
- Nicorette or other stop-smoking device
- Fresh fruit juice
- Bran
- Applesauce
Eat a well-balanced, low-calorie diet. When you lose weight, it removes some of the pressure from the abdominal area. The additional fat you carry be contributing to your stress incontinence or overflow incontinence.
Chew a gum that helps you stop smoking, if coughing causes you to be incontinent. The nicotine in your urine sometimes irritates the bladder. While you're quitting smoking, until you are weaned from the gum, the nicotine will still be there, but you won't cough as much, and that helps prevent some incontinence.
Add fresh fruit juices into your diet. Avoid cranberry juice. Although it can prevent bladder infections, it's an irritant to your bladder, increasing the urge to go. Replace caffeinated drinks or carbonated drinks with juice. Stay away from highly acidic drinks such as citrus and tomato juice.
Increase the fiber in your diet, if you are constipated. The extra pressure caused by constipation may be an aggravating factor. A mixture of 4 parts applesauce, 4 parts unprocessed bran, 3 parts prune juice and water can ease the constipation. Don't take more than 2 tablespoons at first and slowly increase the amount to 4, to avoid bloating. Take it either in the morning or evening. Store extra amounts in the refrigerator.
Remove alcohol from your diet. No matter which type of incontinence you have, alcohol makes the problem worse. It confuses the signals telling you it's time to urinate and relaxes muscle control all over the body. If you already have a problem with either of those causing your incontinence, avoid alcohol.
Drink the right amount of water each day. If you drink too much water, you aggravate the problem, because of having to maintain all that fluid. If you don't drink enough water, the urine is stronger because of dehydration, and that causes a problem. If you already drink 8 glasses a day, cut back to 6 and see if it helps. If you aren't drinking at least 6 glasses a day, increase your intake.
Cut out spicy food. Spicy foods are an irritant to your bladder. Eat a bland diet for a while and see if there's an improvement.