The Effects of Rooibos Tea
Low Tannin Levels
Rooibos tea has very low levels of tannin (plant polyphenols). Due to its low tannin levels, it therefore does not have an adverse effect on the body's absorption of both iron and proteins.
Alpha-Hydroxy Acid, Zinc and Magnesium
Rooibos tea contains both alpha-hydroxy acid as well as zinc. Both of these are highly beneficial for encouraging healthy skin. It also contains magnesium, which is vital for the maintenance of a strong and healthy nervous system.
Rooibos tea also functions as a nutritional supplement. It supplements the necessary daily amounts of manganese, calcium, and fluoride in particular. These are all necessary for the growth of healthy teeth and bones.
Rooibos tea also has a soothing and calming effect on the skin. It can relieve skin irritations as well as itchiness. It is very helpful for dealing with common skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis and even diaper rash. In those cases, you can apply Rooibos tea directly over the irritated skin area.
Digestive Issues
Rooibos tea is also highly beneficial for dealing with digestive issues and stomach upsets. This is partially because Rooibos tea naturally doesn't contain any caffeine. It can relieve afflictions such as stomach ulcers, heartburn, vomiting and nausea.
There are two main important antioxidants in Rooibos tea --- nothofagin and aspalathin. These antioxidants are both anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. They also can help to neutralize the damage caused by free radicals before they can do any damage to the body. Free radicals cause oxidative damage to the cells. Aspalathin is full of important flavonoids and phenolic acids, all of which are helpful and healthy for the body.